
Welcome to MM Hospital, where your health and well-being are our top priorities. In the unfortunate event of fractures or spine injuries, our experienced team is here to provide immediate and effective first-aid treatment. Our dedicated ortho spine surgery experts, including the best orthopedic spine specialists in Namakkal, are trained to offer compassionate care and swift intervention. Rest assured, you are in safe hands at MM Hospital, the best ortho-spine surgery hospital in Namakkal, and we are committed to ensuring your well-being and a speedy recovery. Here are a few do’s and Don’t that you should always keep in mind.


  • Keep Calm: In an emergency, maintaining composure is essential. Stay calm to assess the situation and make better decisions.
  • Call for Help: Dial emergency services or ask someone nearby to call for an ambulance to ensure prompt medical attention.
  • Immobilize the Patient: Prevent movement of the injured area to avoid further damage. If possible, use splints or improvised materials to stabilize the fractures or spine.
  • Check for Breathing: Ensure the person is breathing properly. If not, initiate CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) if you are trained.
  • Control Bleeding: If there is visible bleeding, apply direct pressure to the wound using a clean cloth or dressing.
  • Keep the Patient Warm: Cover the injured person with a blanket or clothing to maintain body temperature.
  • Support the Head and Neck: If you suspect a spine injury, avoid moving the head and neck and keep them aligned with the body until medical help arrives.
  • Elevate Limbs (if applicable): If there are fractures in the arms or legs and you suspect no spine injury, elevate the injured limb slightly to help reduce swelling.


  • Do Not Move the Person (if suspected spine injury): Avoid moving the injured person unless it’s absolutely necessary to prevent immediate danger.
  • Do Not Attempt to Realign Fractures: Repositioning fractures without proper training can worsen the injury and cause more harm.
  • Do Not Give Food or Drink: Refrain from offering food or drink to the injured person, especially if surgery is likely. Medical professionals may need to administer anesthesia.
  • Do Not Ignore Symptoms: Take all injuries seriously and seek professional medical attention promptly.

Remember, first aid is not a substitute for professional medical care. After providing initial first aid, get the injured person to the nearest medical facility with ortho spine surgery in Namakkal.

Consult the best ortho spine surgeon in Namakkal for further evaluation and treatment.

What should I do if I suspect a fracture or spine injury?

If you suspect a fracture or spine injury, it is important to remain as still as possible to avoid further injury. Call emergency services immediately and avoid trying to move the injured person unless absolutely necessary for safety.

Can I move someone with a fractured limb?

If you suspect a fractured limb, avoid moving the injured person unless absolutely necessary (e.g., for safety). If the person needs to be moved, try to keep the limb as still as possible to prevent further damage.

How can I prevent complications during a spine injury?

Avoid moving the injured person and prevent any twisting motions. Keep them as still and supported as possible. Spinal injuries can cause paralysis or nerve damage, so professional medical care is essential.

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